Title: The Power of the Daleks
Writer: David Whitaker
Original Broadcast Date: 5 November 1966 - 10 December 1966
Writer: David Whitaker
Original Broadcast Date: 5 November 1966 - 10 December 1966
Patrick Troughton's first story, unfortunately missing, sees Ben, Polly and the newly regenerated Doctor arrive on the Earth colony, Vulcan where trouble is stirred up when experiments on the inhabitants of a 200 year old capsule, buried deep beneath the earth, is dug up.
The first two episodes are some of the best Doctor Who has seen, with the former focusing on the Doctor's regeneration and Ben and Polly's reactions, and the latter bringing the main plot into centre stage with a gloomy, genuinely scary atmosphere. But beyond these first two episodes it goes downhill a bit unfortunately. un
By the fifth episode it starts to drag with not much happening and very little progress made between each episode, that is until the final part, which compared to its predecessors is slightly jarring, with a much faster pace and a vast array of action sequences. The story also feels slightly 'all bark no bite' with promises made of epic rebellion fight scenes and development of the trust between the Doctor and his companions not delivered on, or at least not to full potential.
The sixth and concluding part also only briefly touches on a concept, delving into the travesty the Daleks cause, that could have really benefitted the story if drawn out and developed much more, but didn't take away much with its brief mentioning.
From this review it may seem I hated the episode but honestly I really enjoyed it and I felt it was a rather strong story, but due it to it being one of the most hyped up stories of Doctor Who history I couldn't help feel a little disappointed with its flaws. Problems aside Troughton is fantastic and plays a strikingly different Doctor to Hartnell to great effect and proves himself a worthy replacement in this great Dalek story that, for me, just couldn't live up to it's reputation.
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