Friday, 12 February 2016

Companion Stats: Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright

Names: Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright
Actor/Actress: William Russell and Jacqueline Hill
Doctor/s: First
Year/s: 1963 - 1965

The first two speaking roles in Doctor Who history, Ian and Barbara have a legacy unlike any other companion to this date, kickstarting this wonderful adventure in space and time that we all adore to this day.

Episode Ranking

  1. The Romans (10/10)
  2. The Aztecs (9.5/10)
  3. The Rescue (9/10)
  4. The Reign of Terror (9/10)
  5. The Space Museum (9/10)
  6. The Keys of Marinus (9/10)
  7. The Daleks (8.5/10)
  8. The Chase (8.5/10)
  9. Planet of Giants (8/10)
  10. An Unearthly Child (7.5/10)
  11. The Dalek Invasion of Earth (7/10)
  12. The Edge of Destruction (7/10)
  13. The Sensorites (4/10)
  14. The Web Planet (2/10)
N/A. Marco Polo (?/10)
N/A. The Crusade (?/10)

These average out to make...                                                                            7.65/10
With a range of...                                                                                                   8

We can also break this down into meaning that Ian and Barbara starred in:
1 Perfect Story (10/10)
5 Amazing Ones (9+/10)
3 Great Ones (8+/10)
3 Good Ones (7+/10)
1 Bad One (4+/10)
1 Terrible One (1+/10)

In my opinion Ian's best episode is The Daleks as he was great when encouraging a revolution from the Thals and Barbara's best episode is The Aztecs as she was amazing throughout, which Jacqueline Hill pulled off wonderfully.

Here is a graph showing Ian and Barbara's episodes as companions:


So far we can see Barbara and Ian don't have as good of a episode average as Susan, despite them being better companions by a longshot.
  1. Susan Foreman - 7.72/10
  2. Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright - 7.65/10
In terms of range they also come out worse thanks to The Web Planet.
  1. Susan Foreman - 5.5
  2. Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright - 8
Join us tomorrow for the review of Season 2's final story, The Time Meddler and the day after that for the Season 2 overview and stat fest!

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