Monday, 8 February 2016

The Romans (TV Story) Review

Title: The Romans
Writer: Dennis Spooner
Original Broadcast Date: 16 January 1965 - 6 February 1965

I always struggle with writing reviews for something that is utterly perfect, and that is why I have had so much trouble writing one for The Romans, a masterful example of how comedy and Doctor Who mix rather well.

This story opens on the TARDIS falling off a cliff, but almost immediately cuts away to a month later, with Barbara, Ian, the Doctor and Vicki enjoying the luxuries of ancient Rome in their very own villa. Vicki, in her second ever story, is fantastic and proves to be just as good and perhaps an even better match for Harnell's cheek and charm. Ian and Barbara's relationship is especially well developed in this one, and Russell and Hill (as usual) play the parts wonderfully.

The plot takes all four travelers on enthralling trips around Rome, that'll leave you at the edge of your seat with everyscene and the joke of them barely avoiding each other as they go about their own adventures is fantastically pulled off, echoed years later with the Tenth Doctor and Donna in Partners in Crime. The Romans benefits most of all from its humor, that made me laugh out loud on multiple occasions, with a hilarious take on Emperor Nero and our lovable TARDIS team, proving comedy can be right at home on Doctor Who.

Dennis Spooner's second script is perfect, and so cleverly written; it'll leave you wiping tears of laughter away until the very end.

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