Wednesday, 24 February 2016

The Smugglers (TV Story) Review

Title: The Smugglers
Writer: Brian Hayles
Original Broadcast Date: 10 September 1966 - 1 October 1966

In Ben and Polly's first trip in the TARDIS, and Hartnell's penultimate one, we are served a fun yet slightly forgettable adventure of smugglers and pirates situated at the coast of Cornwall.

For the recent visitors, you may have noticed: this is my very first review of a missing episode and as no substantial video footage or animation are available this review is entirely based off the soundtrack, so my final rating is more of an estimate than a definite judgement as the addition of the video footage could either aid or lower the score it receives. Anyway: on with the review!

In his second-to-last story Hartnell is excellent. He achieves an wondrous charm next to his two new younger companions and the script proves the character has developed over his run, with The Doctor actively attempting to save people and going out of his way to do so, something that wouldn't have been dreamed of back in his first year.

The plot is relatively simple but by the third part gets clouded with too many unnecessary characters, something that wouldn't prove as much of a problem if I had visual aid, and without I felt a little lost and overwhelmed at times. The first two episodes, as often in the Hartnell era, are better than the final two, with the story dragging towards the end, subjecting to an unfocused wild goose chase that feels a little like a waste of time, but results in some fun.

The Smugglers is nothing special, but its not bad either. The plot is rather lackluster and is dragged on too long but the magnificence of Hartnell alongside his new companions played by Michael Craze and Anneke Wills does give this forgettable story some unforgettable moments.

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