Tuesday, 9 February 2016

The Web Planet (TV Story) Review

Title: The Web Planet
Writer: Bill Strutton
Original Broadcast Date: 13 February 1965 - 20 March 1965

The Web Planet is ambitious - one of the most of the Hartnell era (and that is saying a lot). But that isn't necessarily a good thing. The Web Planet is an example of how sometimes high ambition and low budgets don't mix very well.

After a pretty decent first episode, this serial is genuinely terrible and probably one of the worst Doctor Who stories... ever. Yes - I said it! This ugly, offensively bad atrocity, sticking out like a sour thumb amongst the brilliance that is the rest of Season 2 is possibly the worst Doctor Who story ever. Yes: even worse than Love and Monsters. At least in that episode you only have the Absorbaloff for 5 minutes or so at the end; in this one you have six 25 minute episodes of that crap. If you thought the Sensorites were bad, you've got another thing coming!: there are not one, not two, but three different races in this serial and their all Doctor Who costume design at its lowest.

Away from the issue of the aliens, the plot is so very dull, and I almost fell asleep on multiple occasions whilst watching, the sound design is poor to say the least (the Zaarbi make a noise that I assume is so annoying to wake you up), the sets are uninteresting and the single only redeeming factor is Hartnell's performance, which is wasted on this drawn-out, poorly written, chaotic monstrosity.

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