Sunday, 7 February 2016

The Rescue (TV Story) Review

Title: The Rescue
Writer: David Whitaker
Original Broadcast Date: 2 January 1965 - 9 January 1964

After the departure of Carole Ann Ford, who played the Doctor's grandaughter, Susan Foreman, Doctor Who received its first ever change in companion with this short but sweet introduction to Vicki Pallister, a severely underrated companion.

I didn't remember much about this story. I remembered some plot points but I think I zoned out the first time I watched it, so when I rewatched The Rescue I was struck with surprise that I enjoyed it as much as I did. Despite the plot being drawn up rather quickly to act as a introduction to the character of Vicki, I was thoroughly intrigued throughout, probably due to its short length which allows the story to be told but not stretched thin like other stories were (notably The Sensorites and The Dalek Invasion of Earth).

The story features some highlight acting for the entire cast, notably Vicki and The Doctor, the latter with a brilliant confrontation scene towards the end which is pulled off with flying colours. I enjoyed the references to Susan as it made her feel as if she had a genuine impact on the Doctor but Vicki filled her role cleanly and proved herself to be better than just a Carole Ann Ford replacement.

Overall this is hugely underrated gem suited to a just as underrated companion, who too should not be overlooked.

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