Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Fury from the Deep (TV Story) Review

Title: Fury from the Deep
Writer: Victor Pemberton
Original Broadcast Date: 16 March 1968 - 20 April 1968

Coming in right towards the end of Season Five, Fury from the Deep tells the tale of a gas refinery under siege, home to a boss who shouts everything he says and creatures invading from below, and when the Doctor and his friends arrive they are not believed of the dangers until it is too late. Wait - haven't we seen this one already?

Fury from the Deep follows closely the basic Troughton story blueprint and unfortunately it isn't particularly spectacular in its execution. While it does nothing bad, it doesn't do anything good either, making this story incredibly and remarkably average.

The only real problem with this six-parter is the fact the enemy is seaweed and seafoam, which you'd think would be a lot scarier by the amount of screaming Victoria does around them. On the subject of Victoria, after a season of adventuring, we see her bow out, which was probably the only unique thing about this story. Her exit - unlike Polly, Ben, and Dodo's before her - is hinted to throughout and is really rather good, while - again, nothing spectacular - its sweet and heartwarming.

Troughton is brilliant, especially in a particular scene in the final episode involving a helicopter without a pilot, and Jamie is as good as ever. Some dialogue in the third and fourth parts gives some great insight into his character, showing his complete trust for the time lord.

Absolutely unspectacular, but good fun; Fury from the Deep is a decent base-under-siege that sits towards the top end of Season Five.

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